Keywords: geese, helminths, trematodes, cestodes, nematodes, acanthocephales, chemical-therapeutical preparations, anti-helminthics


Data as to the most widely spread causal agents of goose helminthic diseases (Anser anser domesticus &
Anser cygnoides domesticus Linnaeus, 1758), which are of interest for veterinary doctors, have been pre-
sented in the article. Chemical-therapeutic preparations, available on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine
and used for treatment and prevention in goose breeding, have been listed. The main causal agents of goose
endo-parasitic diseases have been considered taking into account the modern parasites’ system position. The
peculiarities of their biology and epizootology on the territory of Ukraine in accordance with the data of
well-known scholars researching veterinary parasitology have been briefly presented. The information has
been  generalized  concerning  the  peculiarities  of  using  anti-helminthic  preparations  for  the  treatment  of
goose trematodoses, cestodoses, nematodoses, and acanthocephaloses. The information as to the most wide-
ly  spread preparations  and  chemical  compounds,  which  are  active  substances of these preparations, has
been given in the paper (their chemical names in different countries of the world, and also synonyms, struc-
tural formulas, the main physical properties). The information has been given concerning the dosage and
peculiarities of applying chemical-therapeutical preparations for the treatment of goose endo-parasitic dis-
eases in accordance with the data in the modern scientific literature and corresponding recommendations
for conducting post-dehelminthization period in case of various helminthoses. The groups of anti-helminthic
means were considered: benzimidazols, imidothiazols, macro-cyclic lactones, salicylanilides, and also com-
bined agents having several active substances in their composition. The aim of the given paper has been to
show the modern state concerning goose endo-parasitic diseases both on the territory of Ukraine and in the
whole world, single out the available anti-helminthic preparations, generalize the information concerning
their using, and also point out the important moments of post-dehelminthization period. The conducted anal-
ysis of literary sources will enable to expand the existing data concerning the pathogens of parasitic etiolo-
gy, which cause considerable economic losses in goose breeding sector. The data presented in the article
will help specialists of veterinary medicine choose the necessary effective chemical-therapeutical prepara-
tion for the treatment of certain helminthosis or its association development. In its turn, the given infor-
mation will help ensure veterinary well-being on goose farms of Ukraine, which will enable to create the
flocks of healthy and highly productive poultry.

How to Cite
Yuskiv, I. D., & Melnychuk, V. V. (1). SPECIAL MEASURES OF ANTI-HELMINTOSES COMPLEX IN CASE OF GOOSE ENDO- PARASITOSES (ANSER ANSER DOMESTICUS & ANSER CYGNOIDES DOMESTICUS, LINNAEUS, 1758) . Scientific Progress & Innovations, (1), 222-242. https://doi.org/10.31210/visnyk2020.01.27

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