Economic efficiency of industrial introduction of a torsion and percussive cultivator of soil

  • Л. Ф. Бабицький
  • В. В. Падалка
  • С. В. Ляшенко
Keywords: efficiency, economy, fuel, research, treatment, soil, torsion and percussive soil cultivator


The necessity of use of active soil cultivators for
improvement of physical and mechanical properties of
farm lands has been proved. Results of calculation of
economic efficiency of use of a torsion and percussive
soil cultivator have been presented. Economic efficiency
of use of torsion and percussive soil cultivator has been
confirmed. The economy of fuel has been experimentally
confirmed in the technological process of non-turnaround
soil tilling by the unit in structure MTZ-80 + a torsion
and percussive soil cultivator in comparison with a
known prototype.

How to Cite
Бабицький, Л. Ф., Падалка, В. В., & Ляшенко, С. В. (2012). Economic efficiency of industrial introduction of a torsion and percussive cultivator of soil. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (1), 168-171.