Growth and development of bull-calves of different genotypes of created Ukrainian Angus meat breed

  • Е. М. Доротюк
  • В. Г. Прудніков
  • О. І. Колісник
Keywords: breed, type, alive masa


The results of research of growth and development of bullcalves of different genotypes of created Ukrainian Angus meat
breed are presented. It is set that bull-calves are capable to keep
the high average daily increase of living mass at the level of a
1000 gramme and more at the slow accumulation of fat during
great while. At the intensive growing the bull-calves of the new
created Ukrainian Angus meat breed in all age-old periods substantially excelled analogues which are widely spread in
Ukraine. At the age of 18 months they attained living mass of
570 kg, against 425 kg of those in control group.

How to Cite
Доротюк, Е. М., Прудніков, В. Г., & Колісник, О. І. (2012). Growth and development of bull-calves of different genotypes of created Ukrainian Angus meat breed. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (4), 46-48.

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