Features of the leading system of wheat seedlings under stress of the oil

  • П. В. Писаренко
  • Л. А. Колєснікова
Keywords: soil, micromorphology, vascular-fibrous bundles, xylem, phloem, lump plate, oil pollution


Defined morphological manifestations of toxic and
inhibitory properties of the components of crude oil leaf
blade cross-section (hereinafter – LP) wheat seedlings The dynamics of formation of the conduction system LP
fourth leaf model of agricultural test culture in the early
stages of ontogeny in the presence of stressors.
Established that soil contamination crude oil at a dose of
5 ml/kg observed stimulation of the elements of
mechanical tissue LP, which is manifested in the growth
of their size and quantity. Moderate pollution (10–20
ml/kg) causes an asymmetry – tropism placement SVP is
relatively large central SVP, reduce the size of big farm
support while increasing that of the average SVP,
accumulation of elements of mechanical tissue.
Increasing doses of oil pollution to 50 ml/kg significantly
affect the development of leading LP and leads to the
appearance of emptiness and phloem elements xylem
medium and large SVP fine masses, which probably
formed products of dissimilation, degradation and

How to Cite
Писаренко, П. В., & Колєснікова, Л. А. (2012). Features of the leading system of wheat seedlings under stress of the oil. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (1), 16-19. https://doi.org/10.31210/visnyk2012.01.04

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