Monitoring of the obstinacy of crops in agricultural crop in the line of grain-beet rotation in production conditions

  • Я. П. Цвей Institute of Bioenergetic Cultures and Sugar Beet of NAAS of Ukraine
  • М. В. Тищенко Veselyi Podil experiment-breeding station of Institute of Bioenergetic Cultures and Sugar Beet of NAAS of Ukraine
  • С. В. Філоненко Poltava State Agrarian Academy
Keywords: obstinacy, species composition of weeds, monitoring, quantitative composition of weeds, segetal vegetation, crop rotation, phytocenosis


Based on the results of the monitoring of the weediness of winter wheat, sugar beet and barley crops with the sowing of perennial grasses in the link of grain-beet crop rotation, the species and quantity composition of the weeds in the crops of the above-mentioned crops is determined under production conditions. All this makes it possible to plan and apply effective ways and methods of combating segetal vegetation. As a result of the conducted studies it was established that the combination of such factors as the method of basic tillage, the precursor and predecessor, the fertilizer system and the peculiarities of the weather conditions of the growing season, and the biological properties of the cultivated crop, have a significant influence on the species composition of weeds that are widespread in crops.

How to Cite
Цвей, Я. П., Тищенко, М. В., & Філоненко, С. В. (2018). Monitoring of the obstinacy of crops in agricultural crop in the line of grain-beet rotation in production conditions. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (1), 23-30.