Stability of maize to source material bubble smut and its harmfulness in the south forest-steppe zone of Ukraine

  • Л. Я. Харченко
  • С. М. Холод
  • Ю. Г. Іллічов
Keywords: corn, bubble smut, source of stability, damage, harm


The characteristic of introduced genotypes of maize for resistance
to smut diseases. An analysis of 48 samples of corn defeat
various groups of ripeness. Confirmed by the data that the main
influence on the development of corn smut disease had abiotic
factors, particularly temperature and precipitation. The structural
analysis of the yield on the parameters: the mass of grain
per ear, grain number, weight of 1000 grains. Substantial grain
losses were observed in lesions of 5% of plants, and in lesions
of 40% yield practically non formed. Allocated to the samples, which are sources of resistance to bubble smut, which can be used in breeding maize for resistance to the disease.

How to Cite
Харченко, Л. Я., Холод, С. М., & Іллічов, Ю. Г. (2012). Stability of maize to source material bubble smut and its harmfulness in the south forest-steppe zone of Ukraine. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (2), 83-88.

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