Helminthosis of cattle of private economies of Poltava region

  • О. С. Клименко
  • І. І. Клименко
  • В. В. Мазуріка
  • Ю. В. Юрченко
Keywords: helminthiasis, extensiveness, intensity, cattle, single farms


The results of coprological researches of cattle of private
economies of the Poltava region are in-process resulted.
Researches are set parasitizing of Fasciola, Dicrocoelium, Paramphistomum
and intestynal Strongylata as mono- and poliinvasion.
The extensiveness of helminthosis is 6,25–35,7 %, and intensity – 0,3–4,3 pc. / 1 g. The high degree of invasion of animals confirms actuality of the noted problem, that is why the
prospect of subsequent researches is obligatory development
and introduction in the private households of measures of fight
against helminthosises. 

How to Cite
Клименко, О. С., Клименко, І. І., Мазуріка, В. В., & Юрченко, Ю. В. (2012). Helminthosis of cattle of private economies of Poltava region. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (2), 126-129. https://doi.org/10.31210/visnyk2012.02.26