Panary capricon beetle (Dorcadion carinatum Pall.) in sowing of corn

  • Ю. В. Білявський
Keywords: capricorn beetle, larva, population, harm, corn, biology, protection


The article presents the results of phytosanitary monitoring of
corn agrocoenosis in Poltava region which is a leader on its
sowing areas and productivity indices in Ukraine for the last
five years. The appearance and the area of distribution of a
capricorn beetle (Dorcadion carinatum Pall.) in sowing of corn
have been fixed for the first time for the last decade. The
biological peculiarities of this vermin have been presented. The
reasons of its mass appearance in conditions of Left-bank
Forest-steppe of Ukraine in summer 2011 have been grounded.
Data of vermin number and peculiarities of plant damage by it
have been given. The indices which influence directly the
development, the area of distribution and possible loses of corn yield
from a panary capricorn have been determined. Methodological
recommendations concerning autumn and spring examination of
farm lands and phytophage number control have been

How to Cite
Білявський, Ю. В. (2012). Panary capricon beetle (Dorcadion carinatum Pall.) in sowing of corn. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (2), 54-56.