Characterization of organizational and technological conditions in the content of Aberdeen-Angus meat cows in the stall period without use of premises

  • О. І. Колісник manager of «Agro-Novoselivka 2009» of Kharkiv region
  • В. Г. Прудніков
  • Ю. І. Криворучко Kharkiv State Veterinary Academy
  • С. А. Нагорний Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko
Keywords: meat cattle breeding, technology, technological maps, cows of the Aberdeen-Angus breed, livestock movement, stale period


The organizational and technological conditions were assessed and the meat cows and Aberdeen-Angus breeds were kept in the stall period at open feeding grounds without using capital facilities in the Eastern Region of Ukraine. The article contains a technological map of the contents of cows and heifers - the amount of work, machines and mechanisms that are used in servicing animals, labor costs, and the number of attendants. The calculations of the most labor-intensive elements are made with the content of cows and heifers in the stall period in conditions of energy-saving technology of beef cattle breeding.

How to Cite
Колісник, О. І., Прудніков, В. Г., Криворучко, Ю. І., & Нагорний, С. А. (2018). Characterization of organizational and technological conditions in the content of Aberdeen-Angus meat cows in the stall period without use of premises. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (1), 97-100.