Bioindication estimation of the effects of waste disposal on the state of the environment

  • П. В. Писаренко Poltava State Agrarian Academy
  • М. С. Самойлік Poltava State Agrarian Academy
  • А. В. Молчанова Poltava State Agrarian Academy
Keywords: solid waste, prebiotic, soil, landfill waste


The article assesses the impact of landfill of solid household waste (for example, landfill of waste from the city of Poltava) on biota due to the determination of the phytotoxic influence of contaminated soil on the growth, growth and root system of plants Triticum aestivum. It has been established that the level of depression of growth processes in this soil is higher than average, which indicates the high content of heavy metals in the given soil and their toxic effect on the biota at the location of the landfill. It was substantiated that using «Sviteco-PBG» prebiotic can significantly improve the soil quality, and after 14 days the toxic effect on biota has decreased by 10 % on average. Thus, the use of prebiotics can significantly improve the efficiency of soil cleaning from heavy metals, which in the long run provides an opportunity to return the contaminated land to economic circulation.

How to Cite
Писаренко, П. В., Самойлік, М. С., & Молчанова, А. В. (2018). Bioindication estimation of the effects of waste disposal on the state of the environment. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (1), 88-92.