Efficiency of the improved method of laboratory diagnostics of canine cystoisosporosis





parasitology, cystoisosporosis, dogs, coproovoscopy, effectiveness


It is known that the study of the species composition of protozooses in dogs parasitizing the digestive tract, their distribution, extensiveness and intensity of invasion, as well as age, seasonal dynamics and breed susceptibility to parasite infection is necessary in the study of epizootology and epidemiology of invasions of domestic carnivores. This is possible only with the use of highly effective, sensitive, easy-to-use laboratory methods of coproovoscopy. The aim of the work was to improve, test and determine the effectiveness of the method of laboratory diagnosis of canine cystoisosporosis. The proposed method refers to the field of veterinary medicine, namely, veterinary parasitology, to methods of coproscopy, in particular to methods of detecting cystoisosporosis oocysts in dogs. We conducted tests of flotation methods of coproovoscopy, such as: Fulleborn’s, Kotelnikov-Khrenov’s, the method of coproovoscopy for trichurosis in sheep and the proposed method with an improved composition of the flotant for the laboratory diagnosis of canine cystoisosporosis. It was found that when using the above methods, oocysts of cystoisospores were detected 100 % of the time. At the same time, indicators of the intensity of cystoisosporous invasion when using different methods of laboratory diagnostics differed significantly. When using the Fulleborn method, the indicators of the intensity of cystoisosporous invasion were on average 162.1 oocysts/g, Kotelnikov-Khrenov’s – 215.2 oocysts/g, the coproovoscopy method for sheep trichurosis – 244.8 oocysts/g, the proposed method – 277.3 oocysts/g. The proposed method of laboratory diagnosis of cystoisosporosis in dogs turned out to be more effective compared to Fulleborn's method by 41.5 %, Kotelnikov-Khrenov's method by 22.4 %, and the method of coproovoscopy for trichurosis in sheep by 11.7 %. The proposed method and the method of coproovoscopy for trichurosis in sheep showed the highest coagulation properties relative to undigested feed residues. At the same time, a small amount of small remains of undigested feed floated to the surface of the floating solutions. The obtained results make it possible to recommend the proposed method for more effective lifelong laboratory diagnosis of cystoisosporosis in dogs.




How to Cite

Suvorov, R., & Melnychuk, V. (2024). Efficiency of the improved method of laboratory diagnostics of canine cystoisosporosis. Scientific Progress & Innovations, 27(4), 176–180. https://doi.org/10.31210/spi2024.27.04.30

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