The effectiveness of using bio-preparations on winter wheat




bio-preparations, winter wheat, phyto-sanitary condition, stimulating effect, effectiveness of bio-preparations, seed sowing qualities


Modern scientific and practical views were systematized on introducing environmentally safe technologies that envisage decreasing or refusing synthetic mineral fertilizers and chemical plant protection means and maximal using biological agents to improve soil fertility, inhibit the development of harmful organisms as well as taking the complex of measures aimed at improving the conditions of yield formation. Agro-biological modernization of plant protection is impossible without developing and introducing modern assortment of microbiological and chemical means of plant protection having lenient action. Possessing anti-stress properties, such preparations activate protective mechanisms of plant resistance to over-wetting, drought, and frosts. Taking into account all the above mentioned, the active use of poly-functional combinations will enable to raise the effectiveness of cultivation technologies for the majority of crops, including winter wheat. The purpose of the study was to find out the impact of poly-functional preparations of natural origin on the level of winter wheat disease development and the crop productivity. According to the results of investigations conducted during 2022–2024, the positive effect of pre-sowing winter wheat seed treatment with the solutions of Phytocide and Bio-Mag on field plant germination and their anti-stress properties was detected. The improvement of phyto-sanitary condition of grain agro-ecosystem was noted by decreasing the spread of root rots to economically unappreciable level (7.5 and 5.2 % during the years of research) and prolonged effect of seed treatment with the tested bio-preparations on the formation of yield structure elements (on the average, the productive plant layering capacity increased by 10.3 %, grain content – by 12.2 %, kernel weight per spike – by 8.3 %). The fungi-static effect of the bio-preparations as to the causative agents of root rots was revealed. The effect is ensured by the manifestation of elicitoral impact at the expense of producing plant resistance inductors to diseases. The highest level of anti-fungal impact was manifested at composite application of bio-preparations: the technical effectiveness concerning root rots made 51.8 %.



How to Cite

Pospielova, G., Kovalenko, N., Pospielov, S., Lytvynenko, S., & Syvash, K. (2024). The effectiveness of using bio-preparations on winter wheat. Scientific Progress & Innovations, 27(4), 37–42.




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