Monitoring of gastrointestinal parasitoses of waterfowl in the world

Keywords: geese, ducks, parasitic diseases, trematodes, cestodes, nematodes, acanthocephales, protozoa, epizootological features


The poultry industry is one of the most technologically advanced branches of agriculture. One of
the factors of the successful development of this industry is the creation of healthy poultry flocks,
which depends on the epizootic well-being of poultry farms from invasive diseases. It was noted that
invasive diseases, especially gastrointestinal parasitoses, cause significant economic losses to both
individual farms and enterprises. The causative agents of these invasions can cause the death of about
90–100 % of young birds, their retardation in growth and development, a decrease in productivity in
adult birds, the occurrence of hypovitaminosis, and a weakening of the body's natural resistance. The
purpose of the research was to conduct monitoring studies on the most common gastrointestinal
parasitoses of waterfowl in the world. The results of the analysis of modern world literature on the
damage of ducks and geese by causative agents of helminthiasis (trematodoses, cestodoses,
nematodoses, acanthocephaloses) and protozooses. The sources cited in the article were evaluated for
relevance, reliability and scientific novelty to ensure the thoroughness and accuracy of the provided
review. According to scientific publications, damage to waterfowl by pathogens of helminthiasis can
reach 70 % in different countries of the world, depending on the territorial area and species
composition of parasites. At the same time, the infestation of waterfowl with protozooses, in
particular Eimeria spp., is the highest and can reach over 90 %. Monitoring studies have established
that, in most cases, gastrointestinal parasitoses in waterfowl takes the form of mixinvasions, where
their co-members can be various types of nematodes, trematodes, cestodes, acanthocephales, and
protozoa. The mixinvasions identified by scientists occur in the form of two or more component
associations, which must be taken into account when carrying out treatment and prevention and
choosing treatment methods. The presented information on the current epizootic state of
gastrointestinal parasitoses of waterfowl can be used in research by scientists during a literature
search. The obtained analysis of literary data makes it possible to understand the distribution of
populations of pathogens of parasitoses affecting domestic geese and ducks, the peculiarities of their
associative course, and also makes it possible to carry out effective control and prevention measures
in poultry farms, regardless of their capacity.

How to Cite
Yevstafieva, V., Kanivets, N., Melnychuk, V., & Kravchenko, S. (2022). Monitoring of gastrointestinal parasitoses of waterfowl in the world. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (3), 117-123.

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