Keywords: soft winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), disinfectant, humic stimulant, yield structure, yield capacity


Under present conditions, an important task of the agrarian sector of the economy is steady increasing
the production volumes of high quality food grain to fully meet the requirements of state resources and food
industry. Among cereals, the leading role in solving this problem is given to winter wheat, through the use of
the latest elements in crop production technologies, in particular plant growth stimulants. The aim of the
research was to identify the effect of disinfectants and humic stimulants, during pre-sowing seed treatment,
on the formation of winter wheat plantings’ productivity. During the research period the following scientific
methods were used: analysis, synthesis, field, and statistical. The results of the conducted studies show that
during pre-sowing seed treatment with 1.6 l/t of Unta Quadro disinfectant, an increase in plant height by
4.2–17.8 %,depending on variety characteristics, was observed, and when combined with humic stimulants –
by 8.0–20.1 %. Improving indicators and other elements of the yield structure were revealed, in particular,
spike length increased by 0.2–0.4 and 0.3–0.7 cm, respectively, the number of grains per spike – by 0.4–3.0
and 3.7–4.2 pieces, and grain weight from it – by 0.05–0.13 and 0.12–0.17 g. Studies have shown a positive
effect of pre-sowing seed treatment with a four-component insecticide-fungicide disinfectant as to the effect
on winter wheat yield. The application of such agro-technical measure helped to increase grain yield of
Vyshyvanka cultivar by 0.37 t/ha or 9.2%, and Nyva Odeska cultivar by 0.57 t/ha or 11.0 %, as compared
with the control. Adding humic stimulants to tank mixture with Yunta Quadro disinfectant ensured an increase
in winter wheat yield relative to the control variant with Pryvablyva cultivar by 0.89–1.07 t/ha or
18.4–22.1 %; Vyshyvanka – 0.95–1.05 t/ha or 23.5–26.0 %; Obriad – 0.93–1.37 t/ha or 20.3–29.9 %; Nyva
Odeska – 0.99–1.32 t/ha or 19.1–25.5 %; Trudivnytsia Myronivska – 0.88–1.05 t/ha or 20.6–24.6 %.

How to Cite
Hanhur, V. V., KocherhaА. А., PypkoО. S., Yeshchenko, V. M., Kabak, Y. I., & Onopriienko, O. V. (2020). EFFICIENCY OF STIMULATORS FOR PRE-SOWING TREATMENT OF WINTER WHEAT SEEDS. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (3), 40-45. https://doi.org/10.31210/visnyk2020.03.04