Biological activity of extracts of Echinacea pale depending onthe temperature
Echinacea pallida (Nutt.) Nutt., Beauty Prairie, Hordeum sativum (Lessen), biological activity, test systemAbstract
The biological activity of extracts of pale coneflower (Echinacea
pallida (Nutt.) Nutt.) at the different temperatures was investigated.
The adaptive effect of extracts of pale coneflower at the temperature 10 0
C and 15 0
C was proved. Testing extracts at +20–25 0
after 24 hours in the most dilutions retarded growth of roots of barley, but after 48 hour had growth-stimulating effect only at high
concentrations (about 15.71 %). It has been established that the
temperature 300 C extract slightly stimulated the test system at
concentrations of 10-2–10-4% (+5,02–7,46 %) at the first dimension
and at a dilution of the extract 10-6–10-8% (+5,15–11,34 %) after 48
hours. It is concluded that extracts of pale coneflower contains
biologically active substances, whose activity depends significantly
on the exposure temperature.