Reseach of the content of soil and graund water contaminants in the village of Ivanivka, Karlivka district, Poltava oblast

  • Н. Б. Сененко
  • І. С. Романович
  • О. І. Санжаревська
  • Н. В. Чала
Keywords: physical and chemical indicators, soil, decentralized water supply, organoleptic parameters, nitrate ions, total hardness, water soluble salts content, sanitary norms


Complex research of soil samples is done and the main physical–
chemical indices of water samples from centralized and
decentralized water supply in the village of Ivanivka, Karlivka
district, Poltava oblast have been determined. Soil state is defined
like degraded gray soil which requires regular organic fertilizer
applying. Analysis of influence of water-soluble soil component on
the given aquifer has been conducted. Water quality discrepancy of
centralized water supply to human physiological needs has been
proved, and decentralized water supply does not meet the
requirements of State Sanitary Regulations and Standard.

How to Cite
Сененко, Н. Б., Романович, І. С., Санжаревська, О. І., & Чала, Н. В. (2012). Reseach of the content of soil and graund water contaminants in the village of Ivanivka, Karlivka district, Poltava oblast. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (3), 87-90.