Meat of wild animals: features and composition


  • Н. О. Авраменко



venison, elk meat, meat of male deer, bear meat


In the study of the chemical composition of meat of some species of wild animals the highest percentage of moisture and proteins were detected in the moose meat (75.6 and 21.2 %, respectively), but the fat index in this species was the smallest (1.9 %). Roe deer meat contains half as much fat as beef and four times less than pork with less cholesterol (about 2 times). The content of proteins in male roe deer meat is 2.8 % higher than in beef and 5.2 % – than in pork. The nutritional and biological value of meat, along with other compounds, is determined by mineral substances, which influence the processes of metabolism, growth and development of the organism. Studies on the physical-chemical properties of bear meat showed: a positive reaction to peroxidase, the extract from the blue-green color turned in brown within 2 minutes, the amino-ammonium test was 0.8–1.0 ml; negative reaction with copper sulfate, the broth remained transparent with a lot of flakes, a negative shape test, the filtrate remained transparent. The pH of the meat samples corresponded to the meat of healthy animals.



How to Cite

Авраменко, Н. О. (2017). Meat of wild animals: features and composition. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (3), 108–109.