Content of sulfhydryl groups and glutathione in bull calves of Volyn meat breed of different types of higher nervous activity under action of biologically active compounds

  • М. З. Паска
Keywords: physiology, sulfhydryl groups, glutathione, bulls, higher nervous activity, Volyn meat breed, fattening


It is set that the content of sulfhydryl groups, overall, reduced and oxidized glutathione depends on the type of higher nervous activity in fattening bull-calves of Volyn meat breed. The highest levels of sulfhydryl groups, total, reduced and oxidized glutathione were found in animals of strong equilibrium inert type. Importance of the research is stipulated by study of this issue in fattening steers of Volyn meat breed of different types of higher nervous activity when added to the diet of plant-vitamin and mineral supplement «Mikrovitolip».

How to Cite
Паска, М. З. (2013). Content of sulfhydryl groups and glutathione in bull calves of Volyn meat breed of different types of higher nervous activity under action of biologically active compounds. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (1), 100-102.