Mining industry as one of the priority sectors of economy of the Republic of Armenia

  • С. А. Петросян
Keywords: mining sector, priority, field, company, exploration


The importance and necessity of the mining industry in the further development of Armenian economy are well-grounded in
this article. Moreover its negative impacts on the environment
are elicited and measures for their reduction are proposed. According to the Director of the Research Center for EcoNoosphere studies NANRA A. Saghatelyan, environmental
pollution by heavy metals takes place to such an extent that it
leads to the penetration of heavy metals in the food production
circle. This fact is observed almost in all mining regions of Armenia: in the South, in the North, in the Ararat Valley as well.
Through sewage the metals have contaminated not only the
ground itself, but irrigation water too. All of this injurious stuff
goes into vegetable products, presenting a great danger to human health. This is a real threat for disruption of the gene pool.

How to Cite
Петросян, С. А. (2012). Mining industry as one of the priority sectors of economy of the Republic of Armenia. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (4), 127-131.