Institutional forms of organization of management of the agricultural sector development

  • О. В. Ковальова
Keywords: institutional theory, management organization, hybrid forms of management, agricultural sector of the economy


In this article the author on the neoinstitutional methodological
basis has grounded the matrix of institutional forms of agricultural sector development by vectors «centralization –
decentralization» of making administrative decisions, «the
economic and national interests». The matrix describes the
institutional forms of markets, hierarchy, heterarchy and other
forms of agricultural sector development as the organizational
form of national socio-economic and commercial economic
interests compromise in a polycentric decision making system
as prerequisites for the formation of the institutional
environment of joint action of public and private partners. The
types of hybrid forms of governance at the sectoral level are

How to Cite
Ковальова, О. В. (2012). Institutional forms of organization of management of the agricultural sector development. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (4), 121-126.