Toxic properties of insectoakaricidic preparation of ektosan

  • В. О. Євстаф’єва
Keywords: ectosan, toxic properties, laboratory animals


 The data on the toxic properties of the insectoakaricidic preparation of ektosan have been received. The drug in therapeutic
concentrations (0.13 % aqueous solution) showed no local irritation and resorptive effect on two species of animals (rabbits,
rats). As for the local effect on the skin of laboratory animals
under a single application ektosan was referred to the zero class
and characterized by the absence of irritation. In the group of
white rats an anxiety, weak erythema and considerable itch were
registered in one animal in 15 minutes after treatment with this
preparation, which disappeared in 30 minutes after their appearance.

How to Cite
Євстаф’єва, В. О. (2012). Toxic properties of insectoakaricidic preparation of ektosan. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (4), 85-87.