Features of viability of melliferous bees with a beehive queen bee

  • Г. М. Гречка
Keywords: winter hardiness, honey bees, swelling, seedlings, queen bee


Biological signs of spring viability of families of bees with a
beehive queen bee are characterized. In particular, by complex
testing of winter hardiness it is established that the planted
swarms possess the highest potential of spring viability. The
difference of total number of their points, points of the families
returned to a working condition and parent swarms, to unexcited
swarming made respectively: 44,4 – 33,3 – 11,1 %. Also
smaller easing of force for 45 %, quantities of the spent forage
on 15 and bigger number of brood in the first spring account for
9 % is noted.

How to Cite
Гречка, Г. М. (2012). Features of viability of melliferous bees with a beehive queen bee. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (4). https://doi.org/10.31210/visnyk2012.04.12