Cover of Expenditure in Milk Production at Agricultural Enterprises:the Stale and Factors of Formation

  • Н. І. Шиян
Keywords: cost recovery, price, cost, productivity, intensification, cattle


The actuality of the problem of increasing the expenditure cover
level during the process of milk production and the possible ways to
solve it have been elucidated in the work. The influence level of
sale price and cost priceof a production item on the level of
expenditure cover at Ukrainian agricultural enterprises which
produced and sold milk in 2010 has been determined by using
grouping methods. The existence of a close feedback between
indicators of cows productivity and the unit cost of production has
been proved. Existence of dependence in 2010 between the price
and cows productivity, which vary in the same direction-are

How to Cite
Шиян, Н. І. (2012). Cover of Expenditure in Milk Production at Agricultural Enterprises:the Stale and Factors of Formation. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (3), 132-136.