The study of embryotoxic and teratogenic properties of the drug Oksiprol

  • Л. Г. Улько
Keywords: oxyprol, rats, teratogenic and embryotoxic properties


The article presents data about the embryotoxic and teratogenic
properties of the drug «Oksiprol». It is established that intramuscular injection of the drug «Oksiprol» female rats at a dose of 0.1
ml/kg at 1–6, 6–16 and 16–20 days of pregnancy does not have
embryotoxic and teratogenic effects on embryos. The essential
difference between the fecundity of females experimental and
control groups is not established. The average number of fetuses per
female in the experimental and control groups ranged from 9,1 to
9,6. Infant rats, obtained from the experimental females were viable
and kept up with control ones in growth and developmen.

How to Cite
Улько, Л. Г. (2012). The study of embryotoxic and teratogenic properties of the drug Oksiprol. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (3), 115-121.