Optimization Of Pigs Herd Turn In An Agricultural Enterprise With Using Of Mathematical Design

  • Ю. О. Постіл
  • Н. М. Протас
Keywords: population, herd turnover, gender-age group, efficiency, mathematical modeling, optimization


In this article the features of application of mathematical design
methods for optimization of pigs herd turn on the example of
agricultural enterprise of LTD «Savinci» Mirgorodsky district of
Poltava area with the use of COMPUTER and program Microsoft
Excel are considered. The model of optimization of pigs herd that
allows to plan the necessary initial quantity of population of pigs on
the end of year and motion of population for a year between sexualage-old by groups by building on has been developed.

How to Cite
Постіл, Ю. О., & Протас, Н. М. (2012). Optimization Of Pigs Herd Turn In An Agricultural Enterprise With Using Of Mathematical Design. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (3), 105-107. https://doi.org/10.31210/visnyk2012.03.22