Agro-ecological aspects of the plant-breeding using samples of spring vetch of Poltava State Agricultural Experimental Station collection

  • І. В. Колісник
  • М. Г. Барилко
  • А. В. Колісник
Keywords: collection, gene pool, breeding, spring vetch, samples, nitrogen fixation, biological farming


The results of long-term work about fundamental study of plantbreeding and agro-ecological value of samples of spring vetch of
Poltava State Agricultural Experimental Stations collection are
given in the article. Sources of economic-valuable signs are
distinguished. The prospects of using macro and microsymbiontes
co-operation are preliminary found out. Possible ways of using both
crop and some varieties of domestic selection are outlined in
developing biological agricultural system elements the with the aim
of improving nitric plant feeding and protection of their rootage
from soil patogens negative influence.

How to Cite
Колісник, І. В., Барилко, М. Г., & Колісник, А. В. (2012). Agro-ecological aspects of the plant-breeding using samples of spring vetch of Poltava State Agricultural Experimental Station collection. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (3), 55-59.