Analysis of the biological structures stimulation by electrical impulses

  • С. І. Волков
  • Є. М. Бульба
  • Т. А. Смердова
Keywords: membrane, electrical impulse, polarization, action potential, resting potential, time law of irritation


A model is proposed and analyzed the electrical properties of
biological tissues, which takes into account the complex impedance of a living system and the polarization of cell membranes
due to the work of ion pumps. The differential equation that
relates the excitation voltage with the AC frequency current and
allows a theoretical basis for the law of the time of stimulation.
Based on the proposed model, we consider the cases of irritation
for the rectangular pulse and sinusoidal AC input voltage.

How to Cite
Волков, С. І., Бульба, Є. М., & Смердова, Т. А. (2012). Analysis of the biological structures stimulation by electrical impulses. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (2), 190-194.