The structure and nutritiousness of diets for milk cows with the annual milk from productivity 6-9 thousand kilograms

  • І. С. Трончук
  • Т. М. Рак
  • Н. В. Чижанська
Keywords: cows, milk, feed, rations, structure, feeding, winter, summer


The perspective physiologically and economically proved
structure of diets for highly productive milk cows has
been developed. The research carried out by authors has
shown that at high daily milk productivity it is necessary
to limit a dose of a corn silo to 25-30 kg per a head for a
day, and to increase the concentrated forages by 46-54 %
on nutritiousness with the aim of normal consumption of
demanded quantity of forages in diets. Offers concerning
the organisation of high-grade feeding of milk cows
throughout a year that guarantees manufacture of highquality
profitable milk are given. Intensification level:
annual milk productivity 6000-9000 kg; expenses of
forages on 1 kg of milk - 9-10 МJ of exchange energy.

How to Cite
Трончук, І. С., Рак, Т. М., & Чижанська, Н. В. (2012). The structure and nutritiousness of diets for milk cows with the annual milk from productivity 6-9 thousand kilograms. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (1), 107-111.