Prospects of increase of the state energy assurance by means of phytoenergy

  • І. П. Григорюк
  • В. М. Калініченко
  • Л. В. Малинська
Keywords: energy security, renewable energy sources, biomass, phyto-energetic plants


The article deals with the necessity of urgent search of
new alternative sources and technologies of power
production with the use of renewable resources. The
perspective of the cultivation of plants which effectively
accumulate sun energy in the process of photosynthesis
for the increase of energy assurance of the country has
been grounded. The availability of phytoenergy use in the
context of stable ecologically and economically balanced
state development has been analyzed. Much attention is
paid to the importance of scientists’ concentration on
selection of new plant varieties with a high activity of
photosynthetic apparatus and ability to accumulate
biomass of the appropriate quality regardless of nutrition

How to Cite
Григорюк, І. П., Калініченко, В. М., & Малинська, Л. В. (2012). Prospects of increase of the state energy assurance by means of phytoenergy. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (1), 7-10.

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