Characteristics of the course of dog diarofilariаsis

Keywords: parasitology, helminthiasis of dogs, dirofilariаsis, diagnosis and treatment of dirofilariаsis


Every year the relevance of diseases of parasitic etiology, diagnosed in productive and domestic animals, increases. This is due to a number of factors and reasons, one of which is an increase in the population of insect vectors of filarial infections against the background of an increase in the average annual temperature of the environment. Now there is a rapid spread of dirofilariasis in Ukraine. The relevance of this helminthiasis among the population should not be neglected. In Ukraine, dirofilariasis is the only transmissible helminthiasis transmitted to humans only after the bite of blood-sucking insects. The studies were carried out in 2021 in the conditions of veterinary clinics of the Sumy region and the laboratory of the Department of Epizootiology and Parasitology of the Sumy National Agrarian University. To make a diagnosis, clinical examination data and laboratory test results were taken into account. Blood for laboratory studies was taken from the cubital vein. To confirm the diagnosis of dirofilariasis, blood samples from dogs with clinical signs of the disease were used. As a result of the research, it was found that the main proportion of the emerging diseases of parasitic etiology in dogs was recorded during the spring-autumn period. The share of diseases of parasitic etiology was 19 %, including 7.8 % – protozooses and 11.2 % – helminthiases, including dirofilariasis. We have not noted a clear breed susceptibility to invasion by pathogens D. repens and D. immitis. Dirofilariasis was relevant for large and medium-sized dogs, regardless of their breed. As a result of studies, high susceptibility to nematodosis was found in older dogs, whose age was more than three years (21.7 %). Dogs aged 9 to 13 had the highest susceptibility to dirofilaria infection (38.4 %). As the drug of the first choice for the treatment of infested animals, we used the domestic antiparasitic drug Brovanol plus. At the same time, the hepatoprotector Karsilin was introduced into the treatment regimen. These drugs showed 100 % therapeutic efficacy.

How to Cite
Nahorna, L., & Nehreba, Y. (2022). Characteristics of the course of dog diarofilariаsis. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (4), 259-265.