Effects of preventive UV-inflammation on the development and productivity of potatoes

  • А. О. Семенов
  • Г. М. Кожушко Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Т. В. Сахно Poltava University of Economics and Trade
Keywords: UV irradiation, dose of irradiation, pre-planting treatment, potato productivity, developmental processes


The effect of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation on potato tubers before planting is investigated. Experimental studies were conducted on medium-early potato varieties «Utro raneie» and «Rocco» using ultraviolet mercury discharge lamps of low pressure. It was established that in plants with irradiated tubers, which before irradiation at a dose of 120–240 J/m2, early roots were formed and developed. In addition, plants increase vegetative growth and increase yields.

How to Cite
Семенов, А. О., Кожушко, Г. М., & Сахно, Т. В. (2018). Effects of preventive UV-inflammation on the development and productivity of potatoes. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (1), 18-22. https://doi.org/10.31210/visnyk.2018.01.02