Inheritance of agronomic characters of F1 Phaséolus vulgáris hybrids in the Left-Bank of the Forest-Steppe part of Ukraine

  • С. І. Силенко
  • О. С. Силенко
Keywords: Phaseolus vulgaris L., breeding, hybridization, inheritance, hybrid, economically valuable features


It was demonstrated that the degree of phenotypic predominance in F1 hybrids can vary from hp to hp < +1 > -1 depending on mating components. The vast majority of the F1 hybrids inherit the length of the growing season and its interphase by type of over& positive dominance. F1 hybrids inherit the height of plants by types of positive dominance, intermediate inheritance and negative domination. The height of the attachment of the lower tier of the beans is largely determined by a combination of parent components. Thus, in the first generation in hybrid combinations there is the phenomenon of over dominance. Due to the yield and its components (seed yield, seed mass per plant, 1000 seeds, number of beans per plant, number of seeds per plant, number of seeds per seedpod) in all first generation hybrids heterosis is observed.

How to Cite
Силенко, С. І., & Силенко, О. С. (2013). Inheritance of agronomic characters of F1 Phaséolus vulgáris hybrids in the Left-Bank of the Forest-Steppe part of Ukraine. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (1), 33-36.