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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 14-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

License terms: authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License International CC-BY that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.

If the article is accepted for publication in the journal  the author must sign an agreement on transfer of copyright. The agreement is sent to the postal (original) or e-mail address (scanned copy) of the journal editions.

Manuscript preparation

Articles by should be submitted by e-mail to the journal Executive Editor

UDC index



Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "як написати статтю"

Initials and surname of author (s) in English

ORCID ID, E-mail:

Full name of higher educational establishment or workplace, postal address: street and house, town (city) and index, state in English.


Abstract in English (2.000-2.500 characters) shall contain concise formulation of article content without repeating its title (written in one paragraph of text). Author's abstract is a brief summary of the work; it has to be understandable without referring to publication itself. It should be remembered that abstract is highlighted in information systems and databases, in which the Journal is indexed, and therefore it is the main source of information about article itself. In content, abstract is to repeat the structure of article and may contain introductory sentence, briefly elucidate the aim and tasks, short description of research methods (1-2 sentences),  description of the main results (50–70% of abstract’s volume) and conclusions.

 Keywords (5–7 words) in English.

 ARTICLE TITLE in Ukrainian


 Initials and surname of author (s) in Ukrainian.

 Full name of higher educational establishment or workplace, postal address: street and house, town (city) and index, state in Ukrainian


 Abstract in Ukrainian (not less than 1,800 characters).

 Keywords (5-7 words) in Ukrainian.



 Initials and surname of author (s) in Russian.

 Full name of higher educational establishment or workplace, postal address: street and house, town (city) and index, state in Russian.


 Abstract in Russian (500-1,000 characters).

 Keywords (5-7 words) in Russian.

 Introduction must contain characteristics of the studied problems in the world scientific literature (at least 5 references to English-language articles in international publications during the recent10 years). This section should provide a brief description of the article in the following order: essence of the problem, its significance, characteristics of scholars’ papers regarding the consideration or solution of the problem, short justification concerning relevance or importance of one’s own research in this area. Introduction is finished by characterizing the aim of the paper – “to detect ...”, “to characterize ...”, to find out ...”, “to describe ...”; the aim of the paper cannot be “to study ...” or “to investigate..”. It is necessary to formulate the purpose of research in one sentence. To achieve the set goal, the author of the manuscript sets certain tasks, which have to be solved. The aim and tasks must be interrelated and disclose the theme stated in the article title.

Research materials and methods. This section must enable to reproduce the full volume of the research conducted by author for verifying data obtained by him (her). If it is necessary, this section can be divided into subsections. It is enough to refer to generally known methods.

 Research results and their discussion. The main results of the research are highlighted in this part. It is not necessary to give the same results in tables and figures. If there is (are) table (s) in the text, it is not necessary to duplicate numerical material in the text, it is more expedient to indicate only changing parameters with probable differences (p <) in times or percentage, correlations (r =), etc. If there are figures, they should be described in the text or numerical data should be given (arithmetical mean and deviations, fluctuations, etc.). Discussion involves generalizing obtained results and their comparison with similar published papers. References are obligatory.

Conclusions - 5–10 sentences.

They may be presented as a list or continuous text.

Prospects for further research are expressed in 2–5 sentences

Acknowledgements (if necessary)

Are expressed if necessary. Acknowledgements are given after conclusions before bibliographic references.

Bibliography (in the order as references are mentioned in the text) specifying them in the text in brackets. Bibliographic list is composed in accordance with the requirements of the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302:2015 “Information and Documentation. Bibliographical References. General Provisions and Rules of Composing”, and it consists only of those sources, which are referred to. As a rule, their number for scientific papers is at least 20, and for review articles –30 (self-citation must not exceed 10%). At least 20-30% of sources must be doi indexed.

References (if bibliographic source is represented with the Cyrillic alphabet, it should be transliterated in Latin letters (, if the source is in English it should be given in accordance with APA International Bibliographic Standard (

It is necessary to enter all authors in article description without reducing their number to three or four. Reference list is presented as required by APA - American Psychological Association, and doi indexed, as given on the site

Concluding remarks

Manuscript is made in such a way that the number of revisions and alterations while editing the article is minimal.

Articles are sent to the Editorial board in electronic form only in one file by e-mail

Managing editor – Vitaly V. Melnychuk (Tel.: + 38-066-674-78-09).

The order of reviewing articles

Scientific papers received by the Editorial board, shall obligatory be reviewed. The form of reviewing articles:

·                     internal review by the Editorial board of the scientific Journal;

·                     double blind review by expert according to the profile of submitted article: neither the author nor reviewer know each other.

The Editorial board determines the compliance of the article with the Journal profile, registration requirements, and sends it for reviewing to Doctor of Sciences or PhD, who has scientific specialization close to the theme of the article. Within three working days, Managing editor informs authors about receiving electronic version of the article by the Editorial board. The terms of reviewing in each separate case are determined taking into account reviewers’ being busy (usually one or two weeks for the article to be published as quickly as possible). The following aspects of future publication shall be determined in the review :

·                   Are the issues covered in this article important and urgent?

·                   Does the abstract elucidate the content of the paper?

·                   Does the paper contain elements of scientific novelty?

·                   Does the title of the article correspond to its content?

·                   Do the conclusions made by the author, follow logically from research results?

·                   Do all the conclusions presented in this article correspond to the set tasks?

·                   Is the material presentation in the article clear?

·                   Are there any errors in tables, figures and formulas?

·                   Does (do) the author (s) follow modern scientific terminology?

·                   Are there any references to the recent years’ papers?

·                   Are the used methods sufficient and adequate?

·                   Are the generally accepted rules of shortening terms followed?


In case of rejecting the article the Editorial board sends the author justified refusal.

The article, which is not recommended for publication by reviewer, is not accepted for reconsidering.

Positive review is not a sufficient condition for publishing the article. Final decision concerning the expediency of publication is made by the Editorial board.

After making decision as to publishing the Managing editor informs the authors and indicates the terms of publishing and paying.

Article Processing Charge (APC)

The author of the accepted article is charged a fixed fee depending on the number of pages — 50 UAH per one page.


Articles are accepted according to the established schedule:

№ 1 (March) –  by March 1,

№ 2 (June) – by June 1,

№ 3 (October) – by October 1,

№ 4 (December) – by December 1.

Supporting documents

The author fills in and signs “License Agreement to Use the Paper”

Copyright Notice

Authors retain copyright and grant the Journal right of the first publication; the article is licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution” 4.0.  This License allows anybody to copy and reproduce scientific paper obligatory acknowledging its authorship, initial publication title and name of the Journal.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.