Непрямі методи відбора в селекції озимої пшениці на базі генетичних кореляцій

  • V. N. Tishchenko
  • М. Е. Batashova
  • О. М. Shapochka
Ключові слова: пшениця озима, лінії, ознаки, індекси, генетична кореляція, непрямий добір


With the aim to improved breeding process for productivity, correlations among yield and a number of traits and indexes in 170 winter wheat lines have been investigated. For searching the most effective methods of estimating accessions we have used comparison of genetic and ecological correlations variability. The application of such indexes as attraction index (weight of spike, g / weight of stem, g), microdistribution index (weight of grains in spike, g / weight of spike chaff ) and poltavskiy index (weight of grains in spike, g / apical internode length, sm) in indirect selection on the early winter wheat breeding will provide effective breeding for high spike productivity. The obtained results indicate at the variability of traits and indexes depending on the genotype, homo- or heterozygote state. For increasing the efficiency of selection it is very important to find phenotype correlations where the genetic component is directed one way and the ecological is opposite or near zero. Correlation coefficients increased under the influence of limiting environment factors and decreased in comfortable conditions for growth and development of winter wheat plants.

Як цитувати
Tishchenko, V. N., BatashovaМ. Е., & ShapochkaО. М. (2014). Непрямі методи відбора в селекції озимої пшениці на базі генетичних кореляцій. Scientific Progress & Innovations, (3), 7-10. https://doi.org/10.31210/visnyk2014.03.01