Biochemical indexes of blood serum of dogʼs with hyperadrenocorticism




Cushingʼs syndrome, dogs, biochemical parameters, haematological parameters, hyperadrenocorticism


and 7 female dogs with suspected Cushingʼs syndrome based on anamnestic data and the results of clinical studies.
The diagnosis of Cushingʼs syndrome (hyperadrenocorticism) was confirmed in 10 male and 5 female dogs. We
formed the control group from animals in which the diagnosis was not confirmed. The determined in blood serum:
glucose content, urea concentration, creatinine, total protein, calcium concentration, phosphorus concentration,
activity of alanine (AlAT), amylase, and alkaline phosphatase. Hematological indicators: the number of erythrocytes
and leukocytes, the hemoglobin concentration, the leukogram was determined in stained smears, and the hematocrit.
Biochemical studies were made on the basis of the department of internal diseases and clinical diagnostics of animals
of the State University of Biotechnology and PE "Alvis-klass" in Kharkiv. Two groups of animals were formed: the
first dogs with hyperadrenocorticism (15 dogs), and the second – healthy animals (5 animals). We found that certain
biochemical indicators of blood serum are increased in sick animals. In particular, glucose concentration was
elevated in 4 dogs, alanine aminotransferase activity in 10 dogs, and alkaline phosphatase activity in 8 dogs. We
also established hypercholesterolemia and hyperglycemia in dogs with Cushingʼs syndrome due to the catabolism
of structural proteins and utilization of amino acids in the process of gluconeogenesis. Activity of alanineaminotransferase
and alkaline phosphatase were increased in 2.6 and 3.0 times in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism,
appropriate. Concencentration of cholesterol was 49 % higher in sick animals. Amoumt of red blood cells was higher
on 40 %, quantity of platelets was higher in 3.1 times in dogs with Cushingʼs syndrome. Amount of eosinofils was
lower in 2.7 times in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism.



How to Cite

Matsenko, O., Sobakar, Y., Furda, I., Shchepetilnikov, Y., & Ilyina, O. (2023). Biochemical indexes of blood serum of dogʼs with hyperadrenocorticism. 2Scientific Progress & Innovations, 26(1), 67–71.